Nadia Elena Comaneci
It was at Montreal Olympic Games 1976 that she achieved one of the most memorable sporting moments of all time - the score of the first-ever perfect 10, for the asymmetrical bar. In addition her score, she added six more perfect tens. She also became the most youthful Olympic gold medallist. Nadia Comaneci not only attracted interest, she also assisted in helping Romania become a household name. With an impossible result her sporting legend became an iconic image and helped promote athletics across the globe. The public's opinion of female sportspeople was changed by this feat. It was because of her impact at the Olympics and the release move that both movements toe-on (toes on) and release are named for her. These two moves have been regarded, to this day, as challenging. Apart from the Olympics, her performance was exceptional in each of the World Championships (World Championships) as well as the European Championships. Thus, becoming one of world's most well-known and famous gymnasts. While in the US she was able to advertise the sport and fashion industry following her departure from her home country.

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